Lucha vs. El Virus Campaign

Communities across the country are opening up. But with Memorial Day being the unofficial start of Summer, the warmer weather and sunshine-filled days ahead, and the lock-down fatigue we all feel, it’s imperative we don’t let our collective guard down and continue to follow safe practices. This especially means we need to keep wearing our masks and maintaining social distance.  So we decided to pitch in with a PSA campaign to remind folks the fight isn’t over.

The Lucha vs El Virus campaign has a singular message that applies both to the wrestling world and our new reality: El que se quita la máscara pierde la lucha (the one who takes off the mask loses the fight). We designed these luchador mask filters for Facebook and Instagram as a fun, eye-catching, but very serious way to encourage those in your social networks to stay in the fight, ¡que sigan en la lucha! So join the campaign! Take a selfie using the filters and post it with pride, share it with your friends, and remind them that anyone who takes off their mask loses the fight.

Click here for Facebook or here for Instagram.